Ahhh, I love my team.

For the first time, I’m playing with girls who aren’t full of attitude, a coach who doesn’t just care about the win, and a club that isn’t just interested in making money.

This season, I’m on a team made up of girls selected because they’re good at the game and have good attitudes, which is unfortunately a hard to find combination.

We practice three days a week, two hours a session, and for the most part we’re playing in a gym until the weather gets better and we can practice on the court in Gabby’s backyard.

We have thirteen tournaments, mostly in Austin and Houston, and several here in San Antonio. The possibility of a qualifier in Baltimore is even being discussed. Needless to say, I’m excited!

So far, We’ve decided on uniforms, sweats, backpacks, decals, shoes, and kneepads. We’re still discussing socks (Knee, Crew, ankle? Color?) but I like what’s been chosen so far. Even if I hate crew socks, I’d rather wear crews with a team I like than wear knee’s with a team I hate.

Though I’ll be benching it for the first few tournaments until I feel comfortable jumping and hitting with my gimp leg (ACL Reconstruction in May, still recovering) I’m not too worried about that. There’s only 9 girls on the team, and three don’t plan on touching the front row. Out of the remaining 6, three to four prefer hitting outside (left front), and my preference is Middle or Right Front (no special names for this position :P)

The only thing I worry about is that I’m not going to be able to keep up with my superTeam, but the coach has already reassured me that once I get my game back, It’ll be all good in the hood.

To sum it up, I’m excited for this season! Now all I gotta do is work my schedule around practices and tournaments 😛