Archive for February, 2012

Procrastination Nation

I’ve got a serious issue when it comes to my insane need to procrastinate…all the time. Even now, I’ve had all of a three day weekend to work on my essay or even my speech, and yet I’ve not even glanced at either. As usual, I lack both focus and determination, and I already know that both of these will come back and bite me in the butt.

Of course, I could be working on either one of the two right now, but am I? No. I’m sitting here on my bed typing a blog entry for absolutely no reason.

Seriously, procrastination should be counted as a disease; it’s definitely infected me.

On most days, I don’t hate Pre-Calculus. However, today I must make an exception. Lately, I’ve been losing my grasp of understanding on the material we’re covering. The same is happening in Physics, and I can’t say I know exactly what’s going on here. I guess my only option is to study and work harder, but studying math is much harder than say, studying history.

I honestly had nothing to say today, but I felt like making a post here. I guess I’m just procrastinating. Eventually, I plan on finishing my work, but for now I guess I’ll just continue listening to the mix CD my friend made for me and half-paying attention to an old episode of Family Guy.

Hmm, on a strange side note, I’d like to catch up on all the manga series I was reading, but I simply don’t have the time. Very annoying, if I do say so myself.


In honor of today’s UIL competition, I used a newspaper-friendly downstyle headline. Yay.
As I said, I spent a large chunk of my day at a UIL practice meet, competing in several journalism categories and placing 4th in one and 7th in another. While I am a little disappointed in myself – especially since a friend of mine placed in the top 3 in 3 categories – I’m still pretty happy with how the day turned out. I’d really like to do better at the next competition, but I highly doubt I will get the chance to go to state – especially with such good writers from my school competing.

At least I have a sort-of excuse. I haven’t written a single thing in any of the competition categories in over a year, and I haven’t written anything for the paper because I am a page editor and not a reporter. I also happen to love *nohomo* the reporter who happened to bring home all the trophies, since she’s one of my bros.

So, after spending all day nursing a slight writer’s cramp and trying to remember how to properly set up some stories, I felt like adding onto my long-since-abandoned blog and see if I can start back up on it. Oh, and that manga reader thing is pretty much out – I simply don’t have the time or the willpower to spend time caring about manga apps(: